Angelina Lopez received her Bachelor of Arts (BA) at The City College of New York, focused on International Studies and Anthropology with a minor in Economics and Public Policy. In studying these fields, her research examines the
socio-political powers in global governance that institute the cultural processes forming the dysphoric experience of Latinx mobility bounded by capitalistic limits. Based in New York City, Angelina explores culture as a consumer and a contributor. In becoming more vigilant of her experiences as a Latina, she understands them as part of a larger story, capable of cultivating their own narrative of resiliency.
Having the opportunity to work as an intern in UBW's marketing department, she deeply resonated with the core values and initiative Urban Bush Women has taken in preserving the arctic legacy of unrepresented artists. In her new role as a Marketing Assistant, she hopes to continue encouraging and providing platforms for the voices of the unheard. In uplifting the voices of others, she builds and contributes to her own.