UBW BOLD X LA Music CENTER: Mindful Bodies & Reflective Practices
This is a private engagement and not open to the public.
This participatory workshop focuses on self-care, rejuvenation, and (re-) constructing healthful images of ourselves and our communities. As we move, share stories, and discuss holism practices from food choices to daily stress relief, Urban Bush Women BOLD Facilitators offer simple tools for reinhabiting our bodies and reinforcing holism from the inside out. We also bring out and affirm the wisdom that is already in the group, fostering resource exchange and building community. The goal is to bring ourselves to balance, thereby bringing our families and communities to balance as well. No dance or fitness experience is necessary...just a body and a willingness to exhale!
Jaimé Yawa Dzandu
BOLD Artistic Coordinator
Mawu Ama Ma’at Gora
BOLD Facilitator