Hair & Other Stories
Someone told me it’s hard to be a Black woman.
The story is in our bodies.
UBW translates it all through the body.
COMING SOON: A nontraditional experience where performers and audience may interact, Hair & Other Stories is a dance-theater work that explores ideas of race, identity, and beauty as relates to Black women’s hair. The production explores the meaning of freedom and release in the everyday struggle to rise to our extraordinary selves.
Directed and choreographed by
Chanon Judson & Mame Diarra Speis.
"The evening plays out as part church revival, part dance party, part therapeutic reckoning, part history lesson… But it comes with a caveat: ‘You don’t have to leave the same way you came in.’ Think of Hair & Other Stories as a permanent haircut or dye job for your intellect and soul."
— D.C. DanceWatcher
Unearthing history requires risk. Claiming history requires risk. Making history requires risk.
Urban Bush Women THIS IS RISK
Photo Credits: Header — Rick McCullough; Body — Courtesy of The Zollar Family, and Maria Baranova for the Fisher Center at Bard